Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Love Story(Ending)

I walked into the prom in a tux. It felt so weird! Seconds later I saw Max and Sponge walk in jumping,Then Penguin and Cheroes,Then Dane and Hanna. I looked around and saw loads of couples. Maybe it wouldnt be that bad... I thought. Maybe it would be fun I thought. I turned round and saw the food table. I ran to it and started eating. "EXCUSE ME!?!?!" The teacher shouted "ARE YOU IN A COUPLE!?!?" I looked at my feet. "No.... But...." I started. "No worry!" The teacher smiled "Ive found someone who will be perfect for you. "Really?" I smiled. The teacher moved to its left and I saw.....MANNY!?!?!?!?

"This is nice..." Manny shrugged. "Yeah..." I whispered. "Slow dance!" The teacher shouted.I sighed happily. I looked round and saw Dane,Hanna,Max,Sponge,Cheroes and Penguin. I saw all of them kissing. I saw they were happy. Without warning Manny came closer. We leaned closer and....kissed. It was about 10 seconds. Everyone clapped. We hugged each other. "See? It isnt that bad!" Max laughed. We all laughed. "ATTENTION EVERYONE!" I heard the teacher say "WE ARE HAVING A COUPLE DANCE. WHICH EVER COUPLE DANCES THE BEST WINS!" Me and Manny looked slyly at each other. WE can dance! We won and they gave us 1000 coins each!

"Sammy!" Manny ran up to me,kissing me "I got you a jacket from the coins!" I smiled. "Thank you." I said hugging her. "Go to your igloo!" I said. We ran to her home and She screamed. "I got you a Puffle and some Puffle furniture!" I laughed. She ran up and kissed me. It was the best time in my life!


  1. cool!!!!!! i loved it!!!!!!!

  2. yea same lol!

  3. samson does that mean you 'like' manny... LOL jk srry it seemed like the story just says it all!
